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Ruud No. 25 | Water Heater Pros | Sacramento, Ca
Ruud No. 25
Ruud N0. 25
Ruud is a leader in the world of water heaters, offering an extensive selection of products from tank type waters to tankless, solar, residential as well as commercial and an increasingly popular electric heat pump water heaters. When we take a look at water heaters of the past, such those constructed by Ruud, it's important to note these different designs and what made them last. For example, the Ruud 25 water heater as pictured below, as well as automatic heaters, were best sellers in the early 1900's due in part to their cutting edge designs and innovation that surpassed the industry standards.
In a 1917 newspaper article you will read about the notable increase in interest surrounding these two types of water heaters during this particular time period. In fact, after two sales campaigns featured at Railway & Light Co. in Decatur, IL - a total of 54 Ruud automatic water heaters were sold in one year. Before then the business was averaging about ten automatic water heater sales per year for the previous five years.
Water heater pros, technicians on rare occasion run across both automatic and Ruud No. 25 water heaters in some very old downtown city of Sacramento homes. Though the majority of these are in a basement and not hooked up or being used, it's always an interesting piece of nostalgia for us when we do come in contact with these in the field. It's incredible to see the Ruud No. 25 and realize how far the water heater has evolved over the years in design.

Ruud No 25 found in home (not working)