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Corona Virus | Water Heater Pros | Sacramento, Ca

Corona Virus
Here at Water Heater Pros, the safety and protection of our customers have always been paramount. During this outbreak of the Coronavirus, we will continue to follow our safety practices.
Our service technician will always wear fresh masks while in your home.
Our service technician will clean all surfaces they encounter while in your home.
Our service technician will safely perform his job and use other virus protection as needed.
Our service technicians are background-tested annually and drug-tested for your peace of mind.
We are adding to our already strict policies the following
Our service technician will not offer to shake your hand.
Our service technician will remain at a safe social distance of 6-feet or better.
Our customers can sign our iPads using your pen with cap-on and a copy of the invoice will be emailed to you.
Credit card numbers can be given verbally so the technician does not have to make contact with your card.
What we are asking you to do for us
Please maintain a safe social distance of 6 feet or better.
We will need to reduce the number of people in the area of the garage or home where we will need to be working.
Clear the area so the technician will not need to interact with many items in your home.
If anyone in the home has been ill, please disclose that to the dispatchers so we can take additional safety precautions.
We know you have many choices, and we are glad you chose us. We greatly appreciate your confidence in us as we navigate this time together.
Sidney Baysinger
CEO, Water Heater Experts, LLC
dba, Water Heater Pros