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Basic Installation
Installation | Water Heater Pros | Sacramento, Ca
Note: For California installation, all water heaters must be braced, anchored, or strapped to avoid falling or moving during an earthquake. See below for the correct installation procedures. Instructions may be obtained from the DSA Headquarters Office, 1102 Q Street, Suite 5100, Sacramento, CA 95811.
Water Heater Pros specializes in residential and commercial water heater repair and replacement. We take care of all your water heater needs, including expansion tanks, water shut-off valves, and any other plumbing items related to the water heater.
Our Standard Installation is defined as the "standard installation of a new water heater" in place of an old one, which has a clear path (36" wide) to the old water heater.
Standard Installation of a new water heater includes:
We shut off your water, gas, or electricity and drain and disconnect your old heater.
We slide it out of the way and put the new one right in the same place.
We hook the new water heater to the existing water lines below the valve.
If copper, we remove old copper flex connectors and solder copper male adapters; we then install stainless steel water flex connections for both the hot and cold fittings at the unit.
For gas water heaters, we hook it up to the existing flue and install a flue adapter, a new gas valve and gas pipe drip leg assembly, and a new gas safety flex line.
For electric water heaters, we reconnect it to the existing electric quick disconnect box located above the water heater.
We checked the water pressure and set this pressure to the newly installed thermal expansion tank.
We haul away the old water heater to be recycled for free.
The workmanship warranty for all new water heater installations is three years. You choose the factory warranty for the new water heater (warranties typically range from 6 to 12 years).
Non-standard installation of a new water heater includes:
When the water heater is located in the basement, on the 2nd floor, or above.
When the tank is not accessible because it is behind a furnace or appliance.
When water, gas, or other piping are blocking it.
When it is behind a finished wall or smaller door frame opening.
When the water heater must be relocated due to improper location.
When existing piping needs to be replaced due to corrosion or age.
Water Pressure:
Is the water pressure at the water heater acceptable? It should be between 50lb - and 65lb. Any pressure over 80psi can damage your new water heater, and an approved pressure-reducing devise is required by local plumbing codes (C.P.C. & U.P.C.).
Hot Water Supply:
Do you currently have enough hot water under normal conditions? Is the existing water heater appropriately sized for your family and home?
Is the water heater currently installed indoors and in an approved location?
Is there adequate space for the new water heater to be installed?
Flue Vent Size:
Is the existing flue vent adequate for the new water heater and in good condition? When was it replaced last?
Combustion Air:
Is there enough combustion air in the current location? (gas heaters need a sufficient supply of oxygen to operate safely.) water heaters in a confined space must have two vents equal to 100 square inches or greater each (10"x 10") for water heaters up to 100,000 BTU.
Would you like to move the water heater to another area? (any remodeling plans in the future?)
Sturdy Stand:
Does this installation require a 14″ high stand? All gas water heaters require a frame if they are located near a parked vehicle (typically a garage). If there is a stand currently, is it code-approved and sturdy enough?
Drip Pan:
Is the water heater in a location that might require or need the installation of a drip pan? This is a metal containment pan with a drain on the side to help contain water leaking from under the heater. The P.V.C. drain line must then be run to an approved location.
Is the water heater in a place that would require a bollard? This 4″ diameter steel pole is installed correctly to protect the heater from being hit by a car.
Gas Supply pipe:
Is the gas pipe feeding the water heater the proper size, configured, and with a drip leg up to code? Is it properly secured?
Emergency Gas Shut-off Valve:
Is the emergency shut-off valve for the water heater accessible and easy to turn, or is the valve a spring-loaded or noncompliance type?
Gas Flex Line:
Is there a gas flex line going into the heater? Gas flex lines must always be replaced at the time of new installation. Any water heater rated at 100,000 B.T.U. or more requires a particular gas flex line or rigid pipe.
Emergency Water Shut-off Valve:
Does the emergency water shut-off valve work? Is it located where it is accessible?
Seismic Bracing:
Is there a code-approved seismic (earthquake) bracing in the current installation? If so, is it installed so servicing the water heater is possible, and is it adequately installed within approved limits? It must have a double strap and be secured at 4 points.
Flue Vent Installation:
Is the flue pipe up to code? (this is the pipe that comes out of the top center of the heater and removes the un-burnt gases, carbon monoxide, to the outside.) Is it appropriately sized? Does it work? (we will check) An oversized flue pipe can be a problem and cause condensation that could shorten the life of your heater. A certified asbestos removal tech must remove asbestos vents. (Water Heater Pros is certified).
Temperature and Pressure (T&P) Relief Valve:
Does the T&P relief valve terminate in a code-approved location? This is a safety valve that all heaters must have that will open if the temperature and pressure become excessive. If this occurs, that scalding hot water must go someplace safely.
Hot Water Return Line:
Does it take long for some regions of your home to get hot water? We can install a hot water return system giving you near-instant hot water at most all faucets in your home; call us for a free quote.
Tankless Alternative:
Is the installation of a tankless heater possible? Tankless gas water heaters can be an effective option and should be examined as a viable alternative.
Hybrid Heat-Pump:
- Electric heat pump water heaters, also known as Hybrids, have been designed to be the most energy-efficient water heaters in the industry, as high as 4.00EF. Current SMUD rebates are $2500 and a federal tax credit of $300; call us for more information.
Energy Star:
Energy Star water heaters are energy efficient and offer rebates in most areas.